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Filippo Cima. 


The Urban Planning analysis was organized to analyze, study and prepare a draft for a small village in the hinterland of Milan: Gorgonzola, famous for its cheese.


Firstly we worked with several site inspections in order to analyze the urban consolidation of old and new construction, in order to improve the existing rural system, important for the village's economy. Thanks to numerous site notes, we managed to develop four analysis drawings: Framework planning, land use, service planning and traffic planning. 

Once compiled, analysis drawings, we projected future strategies proposed to improve the existing problems. In conclusion, we chose two areas of transformation that we identified from the strategies table we implemented and realized. The housing project enhances a disused industrial area (ex-warehouse Metro) and the design of an urban park with sports centre.


Parallel to the planning work we managed a large project for analysis and study of the municipality agricultural land. The project study includes the area's agricultural heritage, land values, the classification of farms and historical analysis of water channels called Navigli. After this we chose a farm that will be radically transformed by the construction of a new traffic artery of the A4 motorway linking the towns south of Milan. Pagnana House, a former farm is social housing already, but with preserved rural activities, we followed a number of proposals to move the exit of the expressway, now projected at about 60m from the houses. We have also conducted many interviews that led to the development. The best mitigation infrastructure of the farm. In any case, the property will remain strongly influenced from the implementation of TEEM, the new tangential will connect south cities of Milan to north (Tangential East External Milan).

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